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Showing posts from November, 2019

My Bookish Life: December TBR

  Good morning everybody! I'm going to try to put together my December TBR before my day gets really busy. So here goes going to draw two picks from the TBR jar.          So these are the two I picked out of the jar.              So adding the two I picked out of the jar makes my December TBR as follows.                December : TBR 1. The Rise of The Fourth Reich by  Jim Marrs 2. Sleep Writer by Keith Robinson 3. The Man Who Wouldn't Stand by  Jacob  M. Appel 4. The Drawing of The Three : Dark Tower II by Stephen King 5. 2nd Chance by James Patterson 6. London by Frank Tayell       Seeing it all laid out like this I'm thinking that is a huge TBR! All I can say is I will do the best I can to get it all read. Hopefully it can be done!        I plan on finishing the book by Jim Marrs first because it's l...

My Bookish Life: November Reading Wrap Up

  November is almost over so I thought I would go ahead and post my reading wrap up. My reading month was not so good this time. I did not complete my TBR this time. I think some of the books bogged me down actually.    The first book I read this month was Homebody by Joanna Gaines. I didn't like it that much. It was like reading a magazine. I expected more from the book.                    Rating: I think I gave it 1.5 stars                   Pages: 340             The second book I read this month was  77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz. This is one of the books I think bogged me down this month. I found it to be monotonous and repetitive. I got to within 50 pages of the end and I just didn't care enough to finish it. Rating : 2.5 Pages: roughly 430 My third book I read this month was The Gunslinger: Dark Tower ...

My Bookish Life: My Top 6 Books of The Year

        I have a little down time so I'm going to try to get this list started. Here is how it's going to go these are just books I read this year not all of them were published this year. I'm going to start at number 6 and countdown to number 1. I am not including rereads on this list.Also, honestly my number 1&2 are interchangeable and I had a very hard time picking one over the other. Without further ado lets get started! Number 6: Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer Genre : Non-fiction      Rating: 3 stars  Synopsis:  When Jon Krakauer reached the summit of Mt. Everest in the early afternoon of May 10, 1996 , he hadn't slept in 57 hours and was reeling from the brain-altering effects of oxygen depletion . As he turned to begin his long , dangerous decent from 29,028 feet , twenty other climbers were still pushing doggedly toward the top. No one had noticed the sky had begun to fill with clouds. Six hours later and 3,000 feet l...

My Bookish Life: Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving ! I really hope the picture can be read by everybody . Hopefully I will be posting a book review and my top six books of the year next week but, I wanted to go ahead and tell you all Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have a wonderful time with your families!

My Bookish Life: End of Year Reading Wrap Up

         Since this year is coming to a close I wanted to go ahead and post my reading stats for the year. Plus, we have a holiday coming up so I didn't know if I would have another opportunity to put together everything involved in this post. It took me a good while to figure all this out last night so I hope you all enjoy reading it.              Reading Stats For The Year: Fiction: 3 YA: 3 Non-fiction: 5 Graphic Novel: 15 Horror: 4 Bio: 2 Vintage: 1 Fantasy: 1 Cookbook: 1 Genre Read The Most: Graphic Novel Total Genres Read: 9 Total Books Read : roughly 35 Total Pages Read: around 7,007 Goodreads Goal Completed: Oh yes definitely Books I Physically Owned: 26 Books I borrowed from the library: 5 Books I bought on Kindle: 4 Average rating : around 3.5   Hopefully sometime next week I will be able to post what my top 6 favorite books of the year were. I just have more a few more pictures I need...

My Bookish Life Book Review: 50 Shades of Chicken #Buzzwordathon

         Title: 50 Shades of Chicken           Author: FL Fowler          Genre: cookbook           Pages: 158           Rating: 3 stars       Synopsis: "This isn't just about getting me hot till my juices run clear, and then a little rest. There's pulling, jerking, stuffing, trussing... He promises we will start out slow, with wine and a good oiling... Holy crap."    So begins the initiation of a young free-range chicken at the hands of a mysterious, domineering cook. This spoof-in-a-cookbook makes dinner a turn-on with 50 recipes that will enthrall you.     My thoughts on the book: I just finished 50 Shades of Chicken earlier today. I have to say the book is really funny . I laughed out loud several times while reading this! It was light hearted and fun to read.    Several of the recipes in the book...

My Bookish Life: The Gunslinger: Dark Tower 1 #BuzzwordReadathon

          Title: The Gunslinger : Dark Tower 1           Author: Stephen King           Genre: Horror, fantasy, sci-fi, western           (I think it combines a lot of genres).            Pages: 300      Rating: 5 stars        So I finished my reread of The Gunslinger : Dark Tower 1 last night. I absolutely love this series. My favorite character of the series in general is Eddie Dean , and he may be my favorite Stephen King character in general, but he isn't in this part of the series. I think my favorite character from this part is probably Roland. He is just such an intense character.       The Gunslinger is a very immersive reading experience. I love the universe that Mr. King has created that involves pretty much all of his books. In case you all didn't know this the vast majority of his books d...

My Bookish Life: Buzzword Readathon TBR

        So I am participating in the Buzzword Readathon that's being hosted by booksandlala on YouTube this year. It starts today and runs until the 24th! The buzzword this round is any number. As long as a book has a number in the title or subtitle it counts for this readathon.      First off I'm hoping to finish my reread of The Gunslinger : The Dark Tower 1 by Stephen King. Absolutely love the series! I think The Gunslinger is one of my favorite Stephen King books in general.       Then just in time for Thanksgiving I also hope to get 50 Shades of Chicken read. I think it's going to be hilarious! It's a short read so I should be able to have it read before the end of the week.     That's it for this update. If you like what you have read please give my blog a follow. I hope you all have a nice day!

My Bookish Life Book Review: 77 Shadow Street

      Title: 77 Shadow Street       Author: Dean Koontz       Genre: Horror/Sci-to        Pages: 430 roughly        Rating: 2.5     Synopsis: I am the One , the all and only. I live in the Pendleton as surely as I live everywhere. I am the Pendleton's history and it's destiny. The building is my place of conception, my monument, my killing ground... The Pendleton stands on the summit of Shadow Hill at the highest point of an old heartland city, a Gilded age palace built in the late 1800s as a tycoons dream home. Almost from the beginning, it's grandeur has been scared by episodes of madness, suicide, mass murder and whispers of things far worse.         My thoughts on the book: I'm going to be honest I couldn't finish it . Since I was reading it for my blog I really did try to finish because I did not want to do this. I have made it to within 50 pages of the end a...

My Bookish Life Book Review: Homebody A Guide To Creating Spaces You Never Want To Leave

  Title: Homebody : A Guide To Creating Spaces You Never Want To Leave   Author: Joanna Gaines Genre: Non-Fiction  Pages: 340           Rating : 1.5 stars      Synopsis: In Homebody: A Guide To Creating Spaces You Never Want To Leave, Joanna Gaines walks you through how to create a home that reflects the personalities and stories of the people who live there. Using examples from her own farmhouse as well as a range of other homes, this comprehensive guide will help you assess your priorities and instincts, as well as your likes and dislikes, with practical steps for navigating and embracing your authentic design style. Room by room, Homebody gives you and in-depth look at how these styles are implemented as well as how to blend the looks you are drawn to in order to create spaces that feel distinctly yours. A removable design template at the back of the book offers a step-by-step guide to planning and sketching out your o...

My Bookish Life : November TBR

     Hello everybody! Since it is the first day of November, that means it's time for my official November TBR post! I'm excited to see what two books I'm going to draw out of my TBR Jar!       Ok so here we go everybody!       Even though you can barely see it I drew 77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz. When I made the jar I thought it would be a good idea to write the horror books on black paper and I'm starting to regret that now! The other book I drew out of the jar is  The Rise of the 4th Reich by Jim Marrs. I think it's a conspiracy type of book so that should be interesting!           My whole TBR list for November is as follows: 1. Homebody by Joanna Gaines 2. Fifty Shades of Chicken by FL Fowler 3. 77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz 4. The Rise of the 4th Reich by Jim Matt's 5. Finishing my reread of The Gunslinger by Stephen King .   That's a lot of reading but, I do have a plan ...