Title: The Gunslinger : Dark Tower 1
Author: Stephen King
Genre: Horror, fantasy, sci-fi, western
(I think it combines a lot of genres).
Pages: 300 Rating: 5 stars
So I finished my reread of The Gunslinger : Dark Tower 1 last night. I absolutely love this series. My favorite character of the series in general is Eddie Dean , and he may be my favorite Stephen King character in general, but he isn't in this part of the series. I think my favorite character from this part is probably Roland. He is just such an intense character.
The Gunslinger is a very immersive reading experience. I love the universe that Mr. King has created that involves pretty much all of his books. In case you all didn't know this the vast majority of his books do connect to make a universe which I like.
The Gunslinger also has a really good storyline and an extremely well developed plot. You can read it over and over and it doesn't get boring. Since it is a really good book and an excellent start to a series I'm giving it 5 stars!
Author: Stephen King
Genre: Horror, fantasy, sci-fi, western
(I think it combines a lot of genres).
Pages: 300 Rating: 5 stars
So I finished my reread of The Gunslinger : Dark Tower 1 last night. I absolutely love this series. My favorite character of the series in general is Eddie Dean , and he may be my favorite Stephen King character in general, but he isn't in this part of the series. I think my favorite character from this part is probably Roland. He is just such an intense character.
The Gunslinger is a very immersive reading experience. I love the universe that Mr. King has created that involves pretty much all of his books. In case you all didn't know this the vast majority of his books do connect to make a universe which I like.
The Gunslinger also has a really good storyline and an extremely well developed plot. You can read it over and over and it doesn't get boring. Since it is a really good book and an excellent start to a series I'm giving it 5 stars!
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