Hello everybody! How are all of you? I hope you all are having a good day. I'm having a good day myself it's just been rather busy. Now I have gotten all of my house work done and I want to have some coffee and post my February TBR. So lets do this ! Ok here we go with my first Bookopolly role of the month. I rolled an 8 . So that means I landed on Add A Book so I can pick any genre . It was also doubles so I have to roll again after this one. Bookopolly Roll #1 pick: I have been wanting to read this one for awhile. I think it's going to remain relevant for a long time to come because of our countries relationship with China . I have heard somethings about China and I think it's just interesting and I want to know more. Bookopolly Roll #2 Bookopolly Role Number 2: Roll #2 was a 7. That lands me on YA. Bookopolly Pick #2: Bookopolly Pick #2 : Daniel X by James Patterson. Yes this is the same James Patterson ...