Title: Satori In Paris and Pic Two Novels
Author: Jack Kerouac
Genre: fiction
Pages: 238
Rating : 5 stars
Synopsis: Satori In Paris a rollicking autobiographical account of Kerouac's search for his heritage in France and it lands the author in his familiar setting of seedy bars and all night conversations. Pic is Kerouac's final novel and one of his most unusual . Narrated by 10 year old Pictorial Review Jackson the novel charts the adventures of Pic and his older brother Slim as they travel from the rural south to California in the 1940s.
My thoughts on the book: At first I thought I was going to have to three star this one. Satori in Paris is a good but average read . Like the synopsis says it's autobiographical. Besides going to France to find his heritage that story also made me feel like Kerouac was soul searching and trying to find himself. That isn't a bad thing though. Still I thought that story was just average .
However, then I started reading Pic. Pic is really really good. It's odd because a 10 year old boy is narrating it and well his grandpa that he was living with dies and then something bad happens to Pic for a bit but , after that his older brother comes to get him and they travel and live together first in NY and then in California. Forme this story really popped and came alive. It felt like you were reading about a real boy more or less.
Because of Pic, I have to give this book 5 stars. Pic seemed real and his story will stay with me for a good while. Since Pic was Jack Kerouac's last novel I love that the writer got to go out on what's a high note for me.
That's it for this reading update! I will try to post my September Readiing Wrap Up sometime tonight . If you have read this book please leave your thoughts in the comments . Also, if you happen to like my content please subscribe to my blog. That's it for now I hope you all have a good night.
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