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My Bookish Life: Birthday Book Haul!

         Hello how are all of you today? My day has been really busy so far  but it has been alright.  The weather is really nice here too ! I hope you all are having a good day too !

   As I mentioned yesterday, my birthday was Monday. I had a nice small birthday party with my family . It was a really good time! I got several books as gifts and I wanted to discuss them with you all. 


1. Title : Ancient Secrets of A Master Healer
Author: Clint G. Roger's, Ph D
Genre: Self Help maybe?
Pages: 306

My thoughts: I think the book sounds pretty interesting. Part of the synopsis says you are following a researcher as he travels the Himalayas and uncovers secrets from an ancient healing lineage that began with Buddah's physician.  I think that sounds really interesting.  Also, it has questions that you are supposed to answer at the end of each chapter that I think are about you so it's kind of like a journal too and I like that. 

2. Title: Married Room Mates: How to Go From a Relationship that Just Survives to a Marriage That Thrives
Authors: Talia Wagner , LMFT
Allen Wagner, LMFT
Genre: Not sure really what you call this marriage advice maybe?
Pages: 222

            My thoughts: While I'm thankful for it this one was an odd birthday gift I think. Only think that because of the topic . I mean yes I am married but receiving a marriage advice book just seems weird. I will read it eventually though.  Maybe I will learn a few useful things!

3. Title: Double or Nothing 
Author: Craig Schaefer
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 371

My thoughts on the book: I have never heard of this writer but, I think this cover is beautiful! The cover alone makes me want to read the book ! Then I read the back and found out it's a Fantasy/Dark Fantasy series about sorcerers, thieves, a demon prince and secrets not staying secret. I'm pretty excited about that one. 

4.  Title: Majestic Morocco
Author: Sophia Simone
Genre: Non-fiction 
Pages: No page count

My thoughts on the book:  The cover photo is beautiful.  It doesn't give a synopsis so I really don't know what to expect. I like travel stuff though so I think I will like this one!

                               5. Title: The Aisles Have Eyes: How Retailers Track Your Shopping, Strip Your Privacy, and Define Your Power
                                   Author: Joseph Turow
                                  Genre: Non-fiction 
                                   Pages: 329
                My thoughts on the book: This is another one I'm looking forward to. It sounds pretty interesting.  More or less it's about how these companies track what we buy and how things like personalization comes with a cost. I think it will be interesting to find out how all of my shopping data is used.

6. Title: The Girl In Dangerous Waters
Author: A.J. Rivers
Genre: Mystery 
Pages: 211

My thoughts on the book: I love murder mysteries and this one sounds really good. I'm looking forward to this one too. I have never heard of this writer but I think I will like it. Maybe I will discover a new favorite author?

7. Till Death Us Do Part
Author : Vincent Bugliosi
Genre: True Crime
Pages: 370

My thoughts on the book: 
The synopsis on this book didn't tell me much about it. I'm guessing it's a murder mystery involving a married couple. I know it's by the author of Helter Skelter and that's another book I have been wanting to read. I love true crime so I'm looking forward to reading    this!

                      It wasn't in the bag so I didn't get a picture of it but, I also got a book about the making of the movie Titanic. I love the movie and the book looks like it will be a fun read ! It also has some really good photos in it!

      I am thankful for all my presents and I had a really good time that day. If you have read any of these books please leave your thoughts in the comments.  However,  please do not post spoilers since I haven't read any of these.  If you like my content please subscribe to my blog! That's it for now I will talk to you all again soon! I should have my Jaws review up in another day or two !


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