Title: The Wastelands: Dark Tower III
Author: Stephen King
Genre: fantasy, sci-fi, horror
Pages: 590
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Several months have passed, and Roland's two new tet-mates have become proficient gunslingers. Eddie Dean has given up heroin, and Odetta's two selves have joined, becoming the stronger and more balanced personality of Susannah Dean . But while battling The Pusher in 1977 New York , Roland altered ka by saving the life of Jake Chambers, a boy who- in Roland's where and when- has already died. Now Roland and Jake exist in different worlds, but they are joined in a paradox of double memories. Roland , Eddy, and Susannah must draw Jake into Mid-World then follow The Path of The Beam all the way to The Dark Tower. But nothing is easy in Mid-World. Along the way our tet stumbles into the ruined city of Lud, and are caught between the warring gangs of the Pubes and the Grays. The only way out of Lud is to wake Blaine the Mono, an insane train that has a passion for riddling and suicidal journeys.
My thoughts on the book: I love this book! I think it's another one of the best books in the series. One of the reasons why I love the series and I'm rereading it is because it is such a weird genre bender. This series has to be the oddest one I have ever read. I point that out because this book is an excellent example of why I say such things about the series!
The story is very immersive and Mr. King is very good at world building. The world in this series is very fantastical but it feels real at the same time . I guess that's probably because there is a lot of detail put into it.
I also like the characters in this one. Eddie is funny as always. Susannah is a super strong woman! Jake, the poor kid ,thinks he is losing his mind at one point.
Roland as tough and heroic as always.
All of the above reasons are why I'm giving the book 5 stars! If you like western, fantasy, sci-fi , horror stories you should check out this series. It's the weirdest genre bender ever and this particular book is a perfect example of that.
I have started reading Paper Towns by John Green and hopefully I will be finishing it soon. The reason why it has been awhile since I last posted was because I had a private issue going on but, that's over now so things should go back to their normal pace. That's it for this update. I hope you all have a nice night. Talk to you all soon.
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