Title: Coraline Author: Neil Gaiman
Genre: Graphic Novel Pages: 193
Rating : 2 stars
Bookie Trials Challenge It Completes: The calligraphy challenge for the Scribes
Synopsis: When Coraline steps through a door to find another house strangely similar to her own (only better), things seem marvelous.
But there's another mother there, and another father, and they want her to stay and be there little girl. They want to change her and never let her go.
Coraline will have to fight with all her wit and courage if she is to save herself and return to her ordinary life .
My thoughts on the book: While I liked the movie and I like Neil Gaiman as a writer for some reason this book didn't really grab. I can't explain why it just didn't. I don't quite understand why either.
The premises of the story is very interesting though. A little girl stumbles into another world that is just like hers except better at first glance at least. Then that world turns into a nightmare.
However, even though I liked the premises I just couldn't attach myself to the story for whatever reasons. It might be partially because I watched the movie first I don't know. That's why I am giving the book 2 stars.
Bookie Trials Update:
The Bookie Trials are over for now they will come back in June I think. I completed 4 of the challenges for my Scribe character. Two of them were reading challenges and I also completed a baking challenge and an archery (trivia) contest. Besides that my Scribe also got to claim their spirt animal and mine is a magical cat named Gabriel.
Reading/Blog Update:
I have finished reading Paper Towns by John Green . I'm going to try to get my review up for it later today. Tomorrow I'm hopefully going to be posting my reading wrap up for March and my April TBR.
I want to participate in hypeathon in April. It's a readathon where you read books that have been really hyped up. For that I'm finally reading Lock Every Door by Riley Sager and Along Came a Spider by James Patterson.
That's it for this reading update. If you like my content please subscribe to my blog. Also if you have read Coraline please leave your thoughts in the comment section. That's it for now and I hope you all have a nice day. Talk to you all again soon!
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