Title:Saga Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Genre : Graphic Novel
Pages: 188
Rating: 5 stars
Bookie Trial Challenge It Completes: Book Binding for Scribes.
Summary: When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never ending galactic war fall in love , they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. From bestselling writer Brian K. Vaughan, Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the world. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive, drama for adults .
My thoughts on the book: This was a reread for me. I read it again because it's the only book I could think of that would complete the Book Binding challenge that wasn't extremely long. That being said I love the Saga series!
The world the series is set in is very strange and vivid and that's part of why I love the series. I also love the characters! They are so relatable! Marko is probably one of my all time favorite comic book characters.
It is an excellent tale of a couple fighting to keep their family together. After becoming a mom the series became even more relatable and enjoyable for me. It covers a lot of stuff that every parent has been through even though it is a fantasy type store.
I do have to give a heads up that there is content in here that could offend some people. If you are easily offended there could be things in here you might want to avoid. I however am not easily offended and I really enjoyed the story!
The reasons stated above is why I'm giving the book 5 stars. Even if you don't normally read graphic novels I would still recommend you try this one. Also, if you like stuff like Star Wars you might want to check this one out.
I also completed the book binding challenge like I stated previously. I am working my way through Coraline now and that will hopefully complete the calligraphy challenge . A review for Coraline will be up most likely sometime tonight.
He is a magical cat and he eats people's souls!
That is it for this update. If you like my content please subscribe. Also if you have read Saga please leave your thoughts in the comments. That's it for now I hope you all are having a good day!
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